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ZY Nuremberg Bratwurst Small Tasty Sausages

Bak Kwa in Rolled Up Goodness: Bratwursthäusle bei St. Sebald

    I would say, among the food I had savoured on my Bavaria trip, Nuremberg sausage is my Number One fave! And I shall call it Bakwurst in Singlish!

    Dress For The Romantic Encounter

      2 ladies were denied boarding on a UA flight because they wore leggings. Do you feel angry? But do you know they were travelling on staff benefits?

      ZY Deutsches Museum Munich

      If There’s Heaven for Geeks: Deutsches Museum

        Germany is strong, and it has a rightful reason for that: Engineering. Or rather, precision engineering. This is supported by a strong culture and belief in sciences, and this is most obvious in Deutsches Museum in Munich!
