One of my loves is writing stories in the language of Mandarin. I believe in writing in simple language, as opposed to the flowery vocabulary that many writers used, because I believe the language / setting / story is a vehicle for delivering some of the important life lessons that all of us face in our daily rat race.
I have published 4 books in Mandarain till date, 3 of which are part of a trilogy of a coming of age of 4 Singaporean men in the military. Called 《壮志羔羊》(The Snipers), the novel is inspired from a hit Hong Kong drama 《金枝欲孽》(War and Beauty) and I used a lot of references from that drama. It was initially an experimental project, for a future project that I had harboured since I was in secondary school. Unfortunately, I have been unable to set my mind to actualise it.
The last book is a compilation of short stories. The title 《不能说的爱情故事》(Love.Secret) forms the themes of the stories, of average Singaporeans living their lives trying to balance between the demands of the society and their own desires for a perfect love.
You may have noticed that in between my blog entries on travel and food, I have included fable-like stories in English, about a protagonist called Nolan. As mentioned earlier, stories are vehicles to messages that hark back to lessons in our lives. Although Nolan’s identity seemed conflicted, he is but a vessel to what I hope I can relate to this world.
In my younger days, I also wrote lyrics to the tunes of songs I liked. I have yet to create more of such poetries for a few years, but I will progressively upload those pieces for sharing.
Click below to start reading the stories!

小说以史志坚和钟契明两个刚从SISPEC毕业的步兵师为引线,带出万里山军营11 SIR的人事斗争。当中有阴冷沉着的枪库管理员CPL江宇颢和气焰十足的CSM熊紊良的对抗最为部队士兵热烈关注。周旋在他们两组势力之间的志坚和契明各怀鬼胎,为了各自的期望努力往成为PS的梦想拼搏。

繁华都市里的爱情林林总总, 被人传颂的故事也不胜枚举。 偏偏在人挤人的世界里,世俗的眼光太过犀利,逼得一些人的爱连找个阴影躲藏的角落也不得要领。 他们的爱,不是不存在,只是挂在嘴边会让身边的人感到受伤害。 这个冬季,就让我们听一听他们深藏在心,那些不能说的爱情故事。

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very nice.