GoroGoro Steamboat And Korean Buffet – The Mascot Is Cute [Review]
It’s your typical steamboat buffet with a Korean twist. Of course, the mascot is cute 😛
It’s your typical steamboat buffet with a Korean twist. Of course, the mascot is cute 😛
“当初她托我们照顾小颢的时候,已经是下定决心不再认回他了。况且她现在也有自己的家庭,认回小颢更是一件困难的事。”BG Ong确定宇颢仍留在房间后,轻声地对素卿说。他还捏了她的手,安抚地说:“我会找机会再和她聊一聊,看她到底有什么打算?”
I was told to redeem myself for criticising the Korean potato chips the other day, so here I am, back to try Samyang’s Honey and Cheese Instant Noodles for the first time.