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    “好一个‘即明且哲,以保其身’,为了保护个人利益,而回避斗争。” 契明话才刚从嘴边说出,宇颢便呵呵大笑了几声,笑声却连同瞬间转变的脸色一样地消失在空荡的庭院中:“我本来以为人在军营里,找三两个知己可以互相有个照应,达到明哲保身的效果。没想到遇到困难时,‘明’、‘哲’保身却套上了新的定义,你说我能不忍心吗?”

    Managing Obstacles in Plans

      Let’s run a thought experiment.
      As a regular gym-goer, you make use of 5 weight machine; 3 are for training upper body, and 2 are for training lower body. They are arranged in an alternate pattern, and you typically work your way down the line doing your sets of workout. When you complete your set at the 5th machine, you return to the 1st and start your 2nd round.

