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ZY Nuremberg

No Regrets – Nuremberg Christmas Market (Together with Castle Tour & Shopping)

    In Nuremberg, there are basically 3 must-do: Castle, Christmas market and Steiff shop. Here’s how to cover them in a day’s time.

    ZZGY 壮志羔羊 (4) 下战书 https://zenovyap.com/%e5%a3%ae%e5%bf%97%e7%be%94%e7%be%8a%e7%ac%ac%e5%9b%9b%e7%ab%a0%ef%bc%9a-%e4%b8%8b%e6%88%98%e4%b9%a6-2/

    壮志羔羊|第四章: 下战书

      部队里的事端一波接着一波。一边有莛书看似天真烂漫的挑战,一边有暗潮汹涌的紊良面对众 CSM 的虎视眈眈。谁也没有料到,这将会是祸端的开始!


        前几天和友人交谈忽然说到我第一次上全职班的经验,也就是在章宜机场管理(当时还未从新加坡民航局分 “离婚”)当实习生。老实说,实习生大多都被冷落,因为全职工作人员都没有空来交代工作给我们,而我当时也不例外。

        FNS Learning Day: Giver, Taker, Matcher

          Adam Grant, a Wharton professor, talks about 3 types of characters in an organisation (namely, Giver, Taker and Matcher), how they perform and influence in an organisation, and how to encourage or protect the Giver, whom is found to be most valuable to the organisation.

          Dress For The Romantic Encounter

            2 ladies were denied boarding on a UA flight because they wore leggings. Do you feel angry? But do you know they were travelling on staff benefits?