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    CPT Thomas 原来和 CO 有那么深的芥蒂!


      “当初她托我们照顾小颢的时候,已经是下定决心不再认回他了。况且她现在也有自己的家庭,认回小颢更是一件困难的事。”BG Ong确定宇颢仍留在房间后,轻声地对素卿说。他还捏了她的手,安抚地说:“我会找机会再和她聊一聊,看她到底有什么打算?”

      Auckland in 48 Hours

        Auckland gives the vibes of a working city. When I was walking around the city centre, all I saw were stern-faced workers shuffling along the streets. And unlike most major cities, Auckland has yet to have a metro system (construction was underway and I read that it would be ready in a few years’ time). Therefore, the best way to get around the city centre was on foot, and thankfully, most sights we’re within reach.