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The Storm That Broke Out

    The past week, or rather, the past few days, has seen a storm broke out; it was an event that brewed for months. Everybody knew… Read More »The Storm That Broke Out

    Positivity and Newton's 3rd Law: Why We Should Smile When We Are The Customers

      Although I keep blogging about food, I remain as one of the most boring person in Singapore when it comes to having lunches. Back in the army and prison, when lunch was provided, everybody around me was looking for an excuse to lunch out, while I was very contented with what I was served in the messhall. Even now, 2 years after I hung up my uniform for the corporate world, my lunch option is usually very simple:
      The mixed rice stall, a.k.a point-point-rice (ppr), at the in-house canteen.

      FNS Learning Day: Giver, Taker, Matcher

        Adam Grant, a Wharton professor, talks about 3 types of characters in an organisation (namely, Giver, Taker and Matcher), how they perform and influence in an organisation, and how to encourage or protect the Giver, whom is found to be most valuable to the organisation.

        Cam-ception: Olympus TG870 [Review]

          When I planned for my year-end trip to tour Christmas markets, I was concerned about 2 things: Capturing the beauty of the Christmas markets in low light, and having a camera that would work in the cold.
          My first instinct turned to the Olympus Tough series.