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壮志羔羊|第五章: 上下之间的一线之差
宇颢一边得为 OC 闯的祸想办法脱身,一边还得应付紊良闻风而至的惹是生非。且看宇颢如何见招拆招,证明给 OC 看说,他们之间虽然上下有别,却也只是一线之差。
Enablers of Training – Plugging the Gap Between Top Management and Employees
Training Managers are often caught in a paradox: The top says training is important, but the ground does not think so.
How then, should Training Managers implement their learning plans successfully>
前几天和友人交谈忽然说到我第一次上全职班的经验,也就是在章宜机场管理(当时还未从新加坡民航局分 “离婚”)当实习生。老实说,实习生大多都被冷落,因为全职工作人员都没有空来交代工作给我们,而我当时也不例外。