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FNS Learning Day: Giver, Taker, Matcher

    Adam Grant, a Wharton professor, talks about 3 types of characters in an organisation (namely, Giver, Taker and Matcher), how they perform and influence in an organisation, and how to encourage or protect the Giver, whom is found to be most valuable to the organisation.

    Dress For The Romantic Encounter

      2 ladies were denied boarding on a UA flight because they wore leggings. Do you feel angry? But do you know they were travelling on staff benefits?

      Cam-ception: Olympus TG870 [Review]

        When I planned for my year-end trip to tour Christmas markets, I was concerned about 2 things: Capturing the beauty of the Christmas markets in low light, and having a camera that would work in the cold.
        My first instinct turned to the Olympus Tough series.

        ZZGY 壮志羔羊 (2) 众星拱月 https://zenovyap.com/%e5%a3%ae%e5%bf%97%e7%be%94%e7%be%8a%e7%ac%ac%e4%ba%8c%e7%ab%a0%ef%bc%9a-%e4%bc%97%e6%98%9f%e6%8b%b1%e6%9c%88-2/

        壮志羔羊|第二章: 众星拱月

          每个人口中 “Bravo 枪库平天下” 的幕后推手在这里出场了!江宇颢是熊紊良在部队里的死对头。他们水火不容;这对属于两级的人,到底会擦出什么火花?