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SiC SFU in Winter

I Visited SFU For Its Movie Scenes And I Ended Up In A Post-Apocalyptic RPG Scene

    SFU grounds were the backdrop of a number of Hollywood movies. The brutalist buildings were the reason it was featured mainly in sci-fi films. My trip felt more like one in a post-apocalyptic RPG scene instead.

    SiC First Snow

    It’s Snowing in Vancouver! (Finally!)

      Vancouver welcomed its rare snow dump in 2020, after weeks of forecast since December. It’s gonna last for a week, and then it will be back to Raincouver.

      The Time When I Betrayed SQ

        An overview of my experience taking Thai Airways and Scandinavian Air Systems (SAS) from Singapore to America, stopping over at Bangkok, Thailand, Oslo, Norway and Copenhagen, Denmark.
