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The Rise of the Dragon Conjurer

    ZY Rise of Dragon Conjurer Sing in Can 2

    We interrupt the regular posting of Sing in Can to introduce the legend of a Dragon Conjurer.

    The DC existed among us. Unbeknownst to the Vancouverites, DC had a special power he was born with. But he led a simple life, hiding in plain sight within the crowds of Vancouver.

    Moody by the Lanterns in Downtown Vancouver

    One day, as the metropolis entered the first week of fall, dark clouds gathered above the downtown skyline. Not before long, a shimmer of silver snaked across the sky.

    Before the people could understand what was before their eyes, the dragon started wreaking havoc in the city! It burned down city blocks and rendered towers to rambles.

    Just as the citizens were devastated and gave up all hopes, DC appeared. Vancouverites watched in awe as he conjured a dragon from thin air!

    Sing in Can Conjuring the Dragons at Downtown Vancouver

    DC’s dragon breathed ice and cooled the burning city. Rearing its head, it headed for the intruder and a dance of ice and fire ensued.

    The 2 dragons fought above the skyscrapers for 49 days.

    Lightning flashed each time they crossed paths. Rain fell whenever a wound was inflicted.


    Eventually, DC’s dragon won the fight. The crowd cheered as DC walked away and disappeared into the city streets.

    Nobody knew who DC was, and no one ever saw him in person again.

    To commemorate the hero who saved the city from ashes, they created a statue in DC’s likeness.

    Panda at Lantern Festival in Vancouver Downtown

    Or so they thought.


    Disclaimer: All pictures in this post are taken using iPhone XR and were the works of Sing in Can’s buddy, RS.

    Downtown Vancouver (3) Fall Exhibit