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Signs That The Holiday Season Is Here

    It’s that time of the year. Unlike the students whose holidays are marked by the distinct end of the exams, office slogs like us don’t realize the what is comingĀ until it’s too late.
    However drab working life is, there are always some signs that the year end holiday season has already creeped in.

    You Reach Work On Time

    Less cars on the road, thanks to the Singaporeans who left the city for the holiday. It’s easier to find seats on the train too.

    The Number of New Emails Has Dropped

    In fact, they come in only once every hour.

    The Phone Stops Ringing As Often

    Thankfully, by the time bosses become bosses, they would have been married with kids and spending time with them during their school holidays.
    Which sorta explained why I received a call from one boss after sending out a report update this afternoon…

    Baby, It’s Cold Inside

    It could be because our colleagues are clearing their leaves. The North East Monsoon could also be the reason. Or perhaps someone just want to find a reason to wear his chic leather jacket (I think it’s me). But no one will really complain when we could have a mock winter on this ever-summer island.
    In an office.

    YouĀ Find Yourself Surfing The Net In The Afternoon. Very Often.

    Those who did not take long vacation leave would most probably take an afternoon off. Cumulatively, that translates to peaceful afternoons. Perhaps because ourĀ favourite watercooler kaki is on PM OIL, or because that pesky irritant who kept asking for favours is away (Hallelujah!).

    It’s Easier To Find Seats During Lunchtime

    Because everyone else is away from work. But beware, it would be war on weekends in the food courts.

    The Calendars Start Coming In

    Thanks to clients, the calendars start coming in to remind usĀ of their existence. No, they are not gifts. They are marketing materials very much like the pamphlets we receive in our mailboxes. Just that these pamplets have days of the next year on them, and they are binded together very exquisitely. I mean, look at those big, ugly logos!
    wpid-img_20141211_223015.jpgSerious disclaimer: I only surf at work.Ā