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ZY Deutsches Museum Munich

If There’s Heaven for Geeks: Deutsches Museum

    Germany is strong, and it has a rightful reason for that: Engineering. Or rather, precision engineering. This is supported by a strong culture and belief in sciences, and this is most obvious in Deutsches Museum in Munich!

    3-2-1 2016

      I know this is like long overdue. In fact, I had not been doing a recount for years. However, as I recall all the literature… Read More »3-2-1 2016

      ZY Salzburg

      Dance to the Sound of Music: Salzburg

        If you are easily bored out by repetitive stuff (i.e. Mozart here and Mozart there), or are short of time, spend time on Makartsteg bridge (just off Mirabel Palace) and soak in the beautiful sight of Salzburg along the riverside.