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ZY Deutsches Museum Munich

If There’s Heaven for Geeks: Deutsches Museum

    Germany is strong, and it has a rightful reason for that: Engineering. Or rather, precision engineering. This is supported by a strong culture and belief in sciences, and this is most obvious in Deutsches Museum in Munich!

    3-2-1 2016

      I know this is like long overdue. In fact, I had not been doing a recount for years. However, as I recall all the literature… Read More »3-2-1 2016

      ZY Bangkok Cafe Hopping

      Cafe Hopping in Bangkok

        If you are like me, Bangkok would be the last city you would want to go for a holiday, because its hot and humid weather meant wet and sticky clothes throughout the day. I went to Chatuchak once, and I told myself I would NEVER go to that place, because of the heat and because there was nothing interesting for me to shop and see anyway.


          城府极深的宇颢,怎么可能在低落的时候任人欺负呢?他的报复,就此开始! p/s:《壮志羔羊》第三部现已出版! 购买《壮志羔羊》1.3:…/%E5%A…/paperback/product-22570787.html 同步上载: 微博: 华文说: