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There's No Shokubutsu in Vancouver!

    Shower foam PK – L’Oreal, 400ml, with OP at $11.99, DP: $4.99 vs Nivea, 500ml, with OP at $8.99, DP: $3.99. Which one should I choose?

    ZY Mi卡丘 天后之路


      去年,疫情肆虐之时,当众人都被困在家中时,Mi卡丘诞生了!TA 带着复古时髦的态度,展现了不一样的风格。 猩探冷叶根据当红 Mi 天后的蹿红之路为 Mi 卡丘拍摄了几组宣传影片。 想要知道这组示范视频是根据 Mi 天后的哪些经典吗?继续看就知道咯!

      ZY_Cloudy Vancouver Autumn Fall

      Cloudy Vancouver in Autumn

        The low rise buildings in Vancouver offer me a a panoramic view of the rolling clouds that stir excitement in me, before or after rain.